The Senior Influencer

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by Bevi Kothare, Chief Product Officer

If you glance at your feed multiple times a day, or think in hashtags, you might just be addicted to Instagram. It’s the Facebook side hustle that has become the new preferred social media, boosting nothing but pictures and small videos. It’s become the easier and hipper way to snap a picture and share a bit of your life with the rest of the world. Given its rise in popularity, its also gotten easier to use Instagram as a marketing, reviewing and shopping tool.

‘Instagram influencers’ rule the way by offering a sneak peak into their lives with products, food and music that they endorse. Influencers can be celebrities, but often are just regular people who post on specific topics like food, travel, leisure or sports. They gain trust of their fans, and have a huge following. These influencer’s make big money to post certain brands, eat at restaurants, or even just have a bag of chips hidden in their post. It’s stated most influencers make somewhere between $5,000-$20,000 per post, yes, that’s for something like one picture of a sandwich on a beach. Celebrities on the other hand can make up to one million for a photo, such as Kylie Jenner who claims the top endorsement spot for her posts.

Wait, aren’t you reading a blog about seniors? Exactly. A simple one flick app that allows seniors to tap into all their hobbies, without going through lots of text, getting real time feeds on things they enjoy the most may be Instagram’s next big venture. Instead of the 20 year old model showcasing her caramel macchiato, you can have a 85 year old savvy senior raving about her assisted living, and getting paid for it. Seniors want to hear from their peers, and caregivers want to hear from other caregivers on products, destinations and tips that can be useful to them.

If you do a quick search now for seniors on Instagram, you’ll get inundated with ‘hipster’ seniors, or ‘grandma moments’. Fun topics, yet they don’t speak to the lives of seniors themselves. Here is a great tool that’s already being used by millions of people, it’s simple, easy to navigate and easily accessible, yet it has not tapped one of the biggest markets, actual seniors.
Imagine Betty White posting a picture with her favorite home care provider, or Harrison Ford taking a picture of his new fall prevention device, it would definitely change the game and change the way marketing is done towards seniors. Using that same method, prominent seniors in the community can become ‘Influencers’, talking about the best senior friendly businesses, activities and products. It’s a bit of a culture shift, but if Facebook continues with its popularity with seniors, the senior Instagram wave may just be next.