How We Help

Simplify. Organize. Coordinate. Support.

Our Care Engagement Platform provides a simple way to facilitate coordination, communication, monitoring and service provision for caregivers and their loved ones directly from their phone, tablet or computer.  We offer an aggregated 360-degree view of individual care, encompassing both clinical and social determinants of health to make up your Personal Care Community.


Things You Can Do

Manage Daily Activities

Review and update a daily checklist, update the care journal and plan for upcoming events

Coordinate with the Whole Team

Receive regular alerts and notifications, delegate actions, and chat with team members


Ensure the Safety of Loved Ones

Track home environment, health measurements and recent test results, get help adding accommodations in the house

Manage Daily Activities

Locate community services to make caring easier, maintain your loved one’s favorite activities, get support for yourself and access services that give you a break from caregiving​

Maintain Complete Health Record

Connect to your doctors, pharmacies and labs to maintain an active record of all health data

Plan for the Care Journey

Organize important information, plan for future care support, think through finances, and prepare for advanced care issues

What Makes Us Different?

Everything in One Place

Everything you need for communication, information, community resources, services and planning at your fingertips.

Data Record

Connect Livpact to your medical network, home devices and contacts and work together to keep everything up to date.

Community Bridge

Creating a personal care community specifically for you and your loved ones combining personal, community and professional members.